Monday, July 28, 2008

shmales in the olympics?

Ok, so I try to keep things smart here, but I couldn't resist reposting this gem I spotted on the NY Times website:

Apparently, shmales (so not pc...) might be putting the Olympics at risk of failure and embarassment (more so than inches-thick algae and black smog? Only time will tell...). According to the Times, gender testing has been taking place since the 1960s to ensure that male athletes from Eastern Europe were not competing as women, thus giving them an advantage (as usual, blame the communists). For this summer's games, the IOC has set up a gender testing lab to ensure that no cross-dressing cheaters unfairly snatch medals away from "real" women, a task that presumably requires such an elaborate laboratory due to the fact that many women athletes are jacked, and a man might not have much trouble blending in. It would seem that track and field is one of the most obvious targets of such testing, but aren't those tight little outfits enough of a test? I mean, if there aren't any suspicious bulges popping through the spandex undies they wear, can't we all just give the athletes the benefit of the doubt? Unless... ugh I need to stop thinking about this, and I especially need to stop writing about it.

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